Monday, July 2, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I have completed quilting both my Goose Chase Quilt and my Many Trips Quilt.  Both quilts are trimmed and are ready for the binding. 
As I look back through recent months I have no actual finishes - allot of close but not done.
So I have challenged myself to a binding marathon and to move these UFOs to Finally Finished.
I have moved these five quilts I need to bind to my cutting table and will not start another quilt until these are done (maybe).

Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times to checkout what other Quilters have on their Design Wall.



  1. Love binding...super love! That's a big pile of fun...enjoy!

  2. It's really hard to fit in our own sewing isn't it?

  3. I have a hard time getting my quilts to the binding stage with quilting for others, but when I do, I'm right on it and it's finished. I never have a stack sitting around waiting to bind. My stacks (or rather hangers) are those waiting to be quilted! Some day I'll squeeze them in. Your stack looks very pretty and interesting. Hope you post them open fully as you finish the binding on each one! Please??
