Friday, June 8, 2012

On The Needles Friday

JudyL at Patchwork Times conceived the idea to keep her accountable by starting a Friday link.  Since I usually have something on the needles (sometimes working or in hibernation) I am going to participate to keep me motivated so I don't have as many WIP (work in progress) knitting projects as I do quilts.
This week is not what's 'On' the Needles, it is what's coming 'Off' the Needles.  I am finishing up my Hogwarts Express I was doing for my Camp Loopy  Project #1.  We needed to knit a minimum of 400 yards and I should finish up using approximately 405 yards for this shawl.  This is my first beaded knitting project and I am sure to do more.

Drop over to Patchwork Times to see what others have on their Needles.

Happy Knitting!


  1. I just love that owl pattern. I have seen it around on hats but it works great for a shawl too. Nice job.

  2. That owl is really cool! Must go take some pics of what's on my needles and post later today. Judy's link ups are great motivation for me

  3. Hi Mary--what a cool shawl! And knitting with bead? I need to learn more about this. Do you thread all the beads on the yarn and bring them up when you need them?

    1. I added the beads when I needed them using dental floss. I had searched the web for information on adding beads and original was going to use a crochet hook but came accross the information on using the floss. Here is a youtube video that my help demonsstrate it.
