Monday, January 6, 2014

Design Wall Monday - January 6, 2014

Seems like it has been forever since I worked on a quilt but I am now back at the machine.
I am working on Hunter Star in blue and white.

This year I did not participate in Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Celtic Solstice but seeing all the pictures of the completed tops have got me interested in working on one.  I started playing around in EQ7 with the colors and will more than likely start on it soon. Not sure on the borders but I have plenty of time to play around with them.

Stop by Patchwork Times to see what others are working on.



  1. I love hunter stars too. Yours is a beauty, who could resist blue and white? Can't wait to see it finished!

  2. Love the blue and white. You need to turn some 4 patches in EQ ;-)
