Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well its been a busy few days. I worked this past weekend and was unable to get any amount of work done on Isabelle's baby quilt. I was off on Monday and I was able to finish sewing the quilt and get it on the frame. I finished with a simply border and added the praire point like I had planned - I think it turned out really cute. I was able to finish the machine quilting and I started doing the hand stitching of the backing and should have it ready to send out on Saturday.
Still working on the embroidery badge for my husband, making progress but keep on coming up to issues to figure out. I was able to get it digitalized and now I am trying to refine the embroidery and then add the lettering - which is now where my learning curve increases.
My washer was finally fixed on Monday, it took the repair man about 20 minutes to put in the new water valve. Now to catch up on all the laundry that has been stacking up. I did use it before it was repaired I just needed to play water shut-off myself. I had it all timed out of when to turn the water off and on - so I only did what I needed to and it was all washed on the quick wash cycle. Glad thats all over with.
Well its back to work tomorrow so not much - I hope its a good day, I've got allot to do.