Friday, February 22, 2013

On the Needles Friday

I'm making progress on my Nantucket Red Cardigan, still working on the back.  I am now less than an inch from starting the armhole decreases.  I have already decided (I think) that I am going to knit the front and sleeves the same way I knit socks - 2-at-a-time.
Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times and see what others have on their Needles.
Looking at all the socks everyone is knitting makes me want to start a pair but I will wait - maybe!


  1. Very pretty detail. And beautiful color.

  2. It's going to be gorgeous. Aren't Thea's patterns the best? I'm making Charleston Tea right now, but Nantucket Red is on my "to-do" list. 2-at-a-time is definitely the way to go!
