Friday, October 12, 2012

On the Needles Friday

SOCKTOBER Continues!
Making progress on my Simple Skyp Socks.  Finished the heel turn yesterday and now working on the leg portion.
And now I'm looking forward to my next pair which will be a Plain Vanilla Sock.  I'm planning on knitting 2x2 ribbing for the leg portion and knitting it long enough to fold down.  The color is Strickanleitung auf der Ruckseite (I think) - if I could read/speak Germany I would know what it means.  The yarn has rich shades of purple, green and tan.
Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times and see what others have on their Needles.


  1. Love the socks Mary! And your next pair will be so pretty.

  2. What a pretty stripe. Toe up, two at a time? That sounds interesting.

  3. I like your current socks and love the colours on your new Opal yarn.

    And just so you don't die wondering, I copied and pasted that German phrase into Google Translate and it means...

    wait for it...

    Knitting instructions on the back!!! Too funny and quite obvious really!

    Lizzy from Downunder

    1. That's too funny. On the label of the Opal I'm knitting now is where the color name is (in English)- just totally guessed (wrong). Thanks for looking that up.

  4. I like your Skyp socks. The pattern I downloaded is cuff down and I prefer to do toe-up as you have. Did you convert the pattern and if so are there any problem areas I need to be aware of? Keep up the good work!

    1. It was no problem converting to toe-up. The pattern also calls for sport weight and I am using fingering weight so I increased to 64 stitches which is what I normally have for my socks. I am using Wendy Johnson's 'Slip Stitch Heel Basic Sock' pattern as a guide for the gusset and heel.
