Friday, October 19, 2012

On and Off the Needles Friday

Went camping this week and that gave me some good knitting and reading time - well actually not anymore time than at home.  I finished my Simple Skyp socks on Tuesday.
I jumped right in and started on my next pair. I am using Wendy Johnson's Short Row Toe and Heel pattern as my guide.  I do want to make the leg portion in 2x2 ribbing and long enough to fold over.

Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times and see what others have on their Needles.



  1. Love your Skyp socks! I need to try that pattern. Am impressed you can do 2 at a time!

  2. Love the coloring of your second sock. That's a lot of knitting. I keep looking for the perfect yarn for my first pr of socks...havn't found it yet. Thanks for your comment on my blog post.
