Friday, November 8, 2013

On the Needles - November 8, 2013

Nothing on the needles at the moment but soon I will be casting on Dateline Cowl.  The cowl is knitted lengthwise and you create gathers at the back when connecting the ends.  I will be using Dream in Color Smooshy and adding beads for a little bling.
Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times and see what others have on their Needles.


  1. Pretty yarn! I have this pattern in my library too so anxious to see how it looks.

  2. beautiful yarn can't wait to see it finished

  3. Pretty yarn. I'll be interested in seeing how you like this pattern once you get started on it. I'm always looking for easy patterns that look complicated when done.

  4. Love that yarn and its great color.
