Friday, June 21, 2013

On the Needles Friday

I am still working on my Camp Loopy Project #1 socks - Scylla. I was almost done on Wednesday, had a couple more rows of the ribbing and I weighed the remaining yarn and found I did not use enough yarn.  The project was to use 375 yards and I was at 360.  So I decided to un-knit back to the pattern and do another 10 rows of the pattern to help get me to the required yardage.  The socks are getting a little longer than I like but I love the texture the pattern creates.
For Camp's second project I will be knitting Vine Lace Vest using Cascade Ultra Pima in the color Sage.
Last week I warped my loom with yarn for a scarf but did not start weaving until yesterday.  I am using Knit Picks Stroll Fingering in Dove Heather for the warp and for Merry-Go-Round the weft.  On this scarf I am really trying to concentrate on my edges and making sure my weaving is even and balanced.

Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times and see what others have on their Needles.



  1. Love the pattern of your socks!! Your weaving is nice and even. My mother was a weaver she always tried to have her selveges even.
