Friday, April 12, 2013

On the Needles Friday

Last week I started my first pair of socks for the Pooling Sock Yarn Challenge.  I am using Knit Picks Stoll Multi in the Sorbet colorway.  I am using 2.00mm needles and increased the toe stitches to 64.  After the toe increases I increased another 2 stitches to keep the pooling but since the yarn natural pools I decreased back down to 64 and will let the yarn do it's own thing.  I have another 2 inches to go before I need to decide which side is the top or bottom.

Side A

Side B
My Nantucket Red cardigan is still in progress.  While I was knitting the front sides I noticed I missed the very first row of knit only on the back giving the cardigan a nice edge.  I ripped out the back and have now started over.  I have gotten to the armhole decrease before I started on my socks.
I have more now in progress than I really want at one time and am still thinking about starting my next pair of socks for the Pooling Challenge. 
And thanks to Judy writing about weaving I have been researching looms and have started taking the class on Craftsy for Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving.  Do I really need another hobby? 
 Take a minute and stop over at Patchwork Times and see what others have on their Needles.


  1. I have a pair of socks out of that same yarn. I love the way it pools, makes super fun socks.
    The cardigan is gorgeous!
    I'm staying away from the loom. She has me baking sourdough bread instead. :)

    1. Judy has certainly influenced many of us. If I baked I probably would be making sourdough bread too.

  2. We've got a winner! Many of us are striking out with the pooling, but your socks look great! Cool color too.

    That's a bummer that you had to rip out Nantucket. You've made great progress since starting over!

  3. Your socks are pooling marvelously!!! And I love the color of your cardigan - it's going to be lovely :*)

  4. Love the pooling you are getting with yarn from Knit Picks. I tried there Over the Rainbow, Imagination on no. 3 needle and got strips. Was wanting pooling.


  5. Love your pooling socks! I've never made a cardigan but am thinking about taking the button band class on Craftsy. Do you love the rigid heddle class? It was my first class and I am still amazed at how great that class is.

    1. I'm really liking the class, it's answering all my questions plus some I haven't thought of. Now to decide how far I want to jump in on weaving.

  6. Wow, your socks are pooling great. Love the colors.

  7. Look at that pooling, wow! So far mine are being most uncooperative. I love your cardi also!

  8. I have that yarn, but I am using it for colorwork. When I tried it on regular socks, it pooled in columns, not the cool swirls you are getting.

    I am interested in weaving, but my house is tiny and I worry even a small loom takes up a lot of space once the yarns are set up on it.
